A Word About Psychics.

I hate the word ‘psychic’. People kinda shut off when you say it. Here comes some bullshit, they think. And I get it. There is lot of bullshit out there. Misuse. People out there posing clairvoyant, messing things up for those who use their gift for good. And yeah. It’s a gift.  Also a responsibility. …

Continue reading A Word About Psychics.

Q & A: Haunted Beds and HOW DO I CONTROL THIS ‘GIFT’?

Q: Let me start with: I'm not crazy. I often feel other's moods, and places or things that have a past. People call me when weird or bad stuff is happening in their life. And I guess that requires an explanation. My neighbor had a sister living with her and thought there might be a spirit or something in …

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The loudest I ever heard God was on a train. Alone in the open doorway of an empty railcar with my feet on the platform, waiting for the last train home. From a distance I must've looked sad. A thin girl with bright orange hair. Staring. Shivering. Smoking. My longtime ex-boyfriend and even-longertime ex-best-friend were five …

Continue reading Everywhereness.

Q & A: Alzheimers and ‘Lost’ Souls.

Q: Hi Jennifer. How can someone, like that ghost you encountered from the 1700's, still be HERE? Why don't they find peace? Why are they stuck? --Christina, Houston That's the million dollar question, isn't it. (She's referring to THIS experience if you haven't yet read it.) My encounter suggests poor Jose's been stuck in some rocky, Mexican purgatory 300+ …

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Q & A: Long Island Medium and the VOID.

Q: Hi Jennifer, I've watched the show, "Long Island Medium" and believe that woman, Theresa, is the real deal. I've heard her often say, "so and so wants you to know they're at peace with our father in heaven." My question is: HOW can a soul be at peace and still be with us on Earth? After a …

Continue reading Q & A: Long Island Medium and the VOID.

Q & A: Mexican Ghosts Speak Spanish

Q: Hi Jennifer. My grandma died last year. We miss her a lot! My mom says she sometimes catches flashes of her, which I believe, but why can no one else see her? Sometimes I think I sense her, but I'm really not sure. When you experience a 'ghost' how can you tell it's not your imagination? --Emily; New Braunfels. Great question. …

Continue reading Q & A: Mexican Ghosts Speak Spanish

Deceased Loved Ones: Sharon

Last week, I sat on the chaise beneath my Beatle painting talking to my friend, Michelle. It was pretty late. We were both tired. I nursed a beer, her a glass of wine. Kids ran around screaming to our mutual irritation, while our husbands attempted to assemble furniture in the next room. I wouldn't've said …

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Heaven Sends a Greeting Card.

Last Sunday evening, Christopher and I watched "The Road" on Netflix. It's not exactly a "feel-good" movie (like, at all), so when loving peace BURST, then spread through my chest cavity mid-film, I felt momentarily confused. This rare, beautiful feeling literally overtakes. It wholly consumes. And I looked slyly to Christopher, because I always wonder, …

Continue reading Heaven Sends a Greeting Card.

Deceased Loved Ones: Stephen

I've dreaded this post, because I knew this entry had to be about Stephen. And I fear failing to convey what happened. How it felt. How it still feels. *** We stayed with my friend Angie before flying to London, Labor Day weekend. Not only was my family there, but her brother-in-law, Stephen, was there, …

Continue reading Deceased Loved Ones: Stephen